“hoopla – the art of unexpected embroidery” is a book written by Leanne Prain and gives a huge impression on modern, stitched needle works around the globe. Like in her other book “yarn bombing” Leanne sets the focus on new urban ways dealing with an old traditional artform. You get insights in techniques, materials and even patterns so you can start right away doing your own embroidery. Lots of interviews and photographs of all kind of artists makes this book a great inspiration for young and old, beginners or even leaders of a traditional guild. Photographs are done by Jeff Christenson and the beautiful pictures make this book a great pick for artlovers as well. hoopla is published nov. 2011 by arsenal pulp press. 400 pages of pure stitching madness – unexpected of course.
I am happy to be part of this first and only urban art embroidery publication : )
[…] has also written a blog post on Hoopla that shows pieces of his artwork which were published in the book. Take a look at all of his art on […]